Thursday, January 29, 2009

A FaceBook Entry

I need sleep and my sweet Juliet has been teething this week, so when she goes to bed, I jump right in behind her because I know we'll be up a few times.

That being said, I am know I am letting down my fans by not having any blogs this week. 

Don't you enjoy how I assume so many people are reading this and actually care about my entries?

Here's a little "cheat" from FB.

25 Things About Me

1.  I am a morning person.  Nothing like enjoying a hot chocolate as the sun rises and dreaming of what the day holds.  If you called me at 6 a.m. you'd get a much different Tracy than 6 p.m.

2.  I adore old people.  There is nothing sweeter to me than a smiling, wrinkled gentleman with a walker.  I have been known to stop and talk for hours to complete strangers.  I steal their wisdom shamelessly, for they have lived.  I try ridiculously hard to help even the crankiest of old people smile for the day.

3.  I am a Democrat.

4.  I am married to a Republican.

5.  I love Marketing.  Especially for small businesses.  The strategy behind launching and continually increasing revenue and exposure for a product doesn't even feel like work to me.  The secret are positioning the person, not the material item or service. A theme that resonates in so many areas of life.

6.  I don't enjoy being thin.  Sadly,the grass is always greener...this is the year I will tone my body and find some curves!

7.  I pay exhorbent amounts of money to have Chicago style pizza shipped to Dallas on dry ice.  The same can now be said of Las Palapas Breakfast Tacos from San Antonio.

8.  I think I am incredibly funny.  If you want to be my friend, laugh with me, laugh at me....I don't care, let's just smile together.

9.  I wish I could play the piano.

10.  I worry that I am not a good enough friend to those I love.

11.  Not by design, most of my significant relationships in life are with people considerably older than me.

12.  I really can't stop talking.

13.  I ask a lot of questions.  I want to learn  more.  I will challenge you on your opinions.  Don't just share them, be prepared to back them up with experiences from you life that you helped you formulate them.

14.  Scents can transport me back in time.  Smelling Sun Ripened Raspberry Victoria Secret lotion will immediately throw me back to junior year of college.

15.  I have no common sense.  You don't want me to list examples, they are painful.  Let me redeem myself, I am book smart.

16.  I wish I could drink coffee.  It might be the marketer in me, but I long to sit in Starbucks with a latte.  A tall hot chocolate doesn't work, I've tried it.

17.  I can people watch all day long.   Airplane delays are my dream (as long as they haven't put me on the aircraft yet!)

18.  Occasionally, I find a food that tastes so good in my mouth that I demand complete silence at the table so I can fully enjoy it.

19.  Call me naive, but I think my girls have a real opportunity to grow up in a world where people's skin colors and religious beliefs are null and void.

20.  I take the hottest showers.  So much so that I often have to sit down afterwards.

21.  I have secretly been designing my Kentucky Derby hat for years.  2010 is the year of my attendance!

22.  I pray everyday that Jason and I are good examples to our children.  I pray hard.  Gosh, I want so much for them in terms of a life full of compassion, self respect and dignity.

23.   Thinking back to my childhood gives me a happy, peaceful feeling.

24.  I've recently started a blog and discovered I love writing!  Run on sentences and all!

25.  After 5 years, I love Texas, but am not entirely used to it.  The dead animals garnishing furniture and mantels, sweet Bambi being served with a smile at dinner parties and having to ask where the key to the gun case is at every new friend's house is exhausting.

and my favorite.

26.  I love pregnancy pics.  I have a 16 x 20 of myself on canvas.

I can't stop editing this.

27.  I had platinum blond hair in college.

28.  Everytime Jason travels overnight I have a friend call me at 7:30 a.m. to confirm that I did not die in my sleep.  In preparation,  before I go to bed I move water, juice and dry goods to a low shelf in the pantry so that Sophia can reach them and nourish herself in case I died.

If any of my therapist friends want to offer me a complimentary consultation, obviously I will accept.

29.  I am the stiffest dancer you will ever be in the presence of.  My wedding was the first time I was really feeling good about my "skill."  I felt the beat in my arms, legs and even a tiny bit in my hips!  OMG was I loose!  I had never been so loose in my life.....and the range of movement I had found!  Surely Jason was proud as I entered the center of the big circle and moved so freely during my solo.

Weeks later, the wedding video proved otherwise.

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