Up and at 'em at 5:27 this morning! Don't think I mentioned that I am a morning person through and through so it's usually ok that my kids start off strong with me. By 7:30 both kids were fed and dressed, 2 loads of laundry done (but not folded, of course), beef stew in the crock pot and half the house vacuumed. This is usually the time we head out to grab some happiness in a cup--- and you should've seen what was accomplished "in the good ole days."
A bit later I went upstairs to put Juliet down for a morning nap. I was upstairs for about 10 minutes and when I came back down Sophia opened the pantry and proudly showed me what she had accomplished (you can tell she's my child). She showed me the bottom shelf lined with cans and said, "Look, Mommy, I know how much you like things organized!"
All 36 cans removed from the case and put in order.
I smiled with pride.
I personally would've left the beer in the box from an organizational perspective with a select few in the fridge for the unexpected guest, but there's certainly time to review this with her---I kid, of course. The poor, sweet, sweet offspring of 2 first-born children.
Off to the bathroom I went to get myself ready for the day. I grabbed my contact case and proceeded to spend the next 10 minutes trying hopelessly to get the contacts out of my eyes. They rip so often and get stuck that digging my finger on my actual eye for extended periods of time doesn't bother me in the least. I gave up and realized a call to the opthamologist was in order. We needed to discuss at length the subservient quality of his product.
As I left the bathroom I realized it was still daytime and that, DAMN, Tracy, you are starting your day, not concluding it. The contacts have not yet been put into your harassed eyeballs and are waiting in the case for you.
I believe I was thrown by the soft, warm wash cloth on my face....coaxing me into a false sense of relaxation.
The energy was quickly restored by the UPS delivery truck with my Semi Annual Victoria Secret Sale purchases that are made every January! I tried on my spring/summer 2009 bikini and was shocked to find that the miracle bra bathing suit does not address the needs of a mother who has nursed 2 babies. I studied the packaging, that in my marketing opinion, was unworthy. If you are not going to use recyclable packaging, then go the full distance and impress me with all the contaminated plastic, don't just give me a plain vanilla baggie. Anyhow, I spent quite awhile ensuring that when I read the code MB, that the company indeed meant, Miracle Bra.
They did.
To be continued....seeing as we head off to Disney World in a few short weeks and I will be needing beach attire.
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