I began to feel better.
Why does simply stepping outside for a moment do that to us?
We missed our plane to Chicago yesterday.
We are officially 2 for 2.
We attempted to go "home" from Christmas, but sadly Juliet got RSV and couldn't travel. We wanted to go "home" for Easter, but instead spent our evening in urgent care with 102 degree fevers, ear infections and croup.
I snuck in a few more deep inhalations on my way to mailbox. It really is a beautiful day.
During my long stretch of sleep last night, which was 2 hours..... I had a dream.
Dreaming is welcome in my world. It can only occur when you are in a deep, restful sleep. Any sign that I get that I have entered a deep, restful sleep pleases me.
For as long as I can remember I have recorded my dreams in a book next to my bed. You have to immediately wake up and write them down, you can't step one foot out of your warm bed or the fine details are erased forever.
The dream you have is directly correlated to the activities of the previous day. And that day only. It is your subconscious mind working through the complexities and offering you solutions and/or comfort.
Did you ever see a particular person in your dream?
This is my favorite.
If I see an acquaintance who, in my opinion, lacks self esteem, is materialistic and views the glass as half empty---- it is those traits that I exhibited that day. The actions of the acquaintance have far less significance in the dream than their actual presence.
I opened my journal and as usual the recording typically leans heavily in the direction of how the dream made me feel rather than the exact surroundings.
I was smiling!
I was light!
I was completely flexible, pliable! (Some might say willowly!)
I was over, under, around and through.....
I was in a sturdy box the size of a bedroom with a small door. The material was the exact color of cardboard. I was weightless and bouncing in all directions. I knew I couldn't leave this structure, but the possibilities of what I could do and how much fun I was having were immeasurable.
Sure, I can't leave Dallas, but nothing is going to stop me from experiencing and embracing every moment we have here together. Endless possibilities.
That message was obvious, the one that required thought was that I immediately wondered why it was colored "plain vanilla" brown when I see the world through glowing yellow sunglasses to the point of naivity at times.
My assumption is that I should consider Dallas my canvas and decorate as I please! I should be thankful for an ordinary box to make my own.
You'll notice I italized "home" in my reference to Chicago. My abundantly full of wisdom Mother In Law gave Jason and I great comfort in December when she reminded us that Chicago is "home" to Jason and I.
It is not "home" to Sophia and Juliet. She asked us to remember how we felt as children and the desire to simply be with Mom and Dad, in our four walls. Our bedrooms, our bathrooms, our books.
The calming essence of familiarity.
I lived these words when I told Sophia with tears in my voice that we couldn't get on the airplane and go to Chicago. The first thing she said with a smile spreading across her entire face was that Daddy could come to school Monday for "Donuts With Daddy."
Could she drive in his car?
Would Daddy wear his work outfit?
How long will he stay?
Will Ms. Diane have Daddy's favorite donut?
Enough said.
We are home.
I walked back up the steps with the mail. A package from Sugarlocks arrived. It doesn't matter one bit that the contents are a gift and not for my children. The brightly colored logo, whimsical font and precious children's clothing easily brightens anyone's day.
One last inhale as I entered and gently closed the door to my special box.
I'm sorry y'all didn't make it back to your home for Easter, but glad you were still home (with your girls) for the holiday. I love that you write down your dreams - what a great idea. Hope everyone at your house is feeling much, much better!